About Bled

Bled was born out of a necessity to record, visualize and tell authentic stories through cultural icons. Like many third culture kids we were raised in a country vastly different from the culture we experienced at home, which was also different from the one we experience in our motherland. In this in-between space we, collectively, have created traditions, foods, travels, that each of us identify with and have in our own way a connection to. It crosses the boundaries of color, class, language and unites us thanks to our shared memories. 

The name comes from the Arabic word balad, البلد or بلد, it can refer to a country, a city or town. Le bled is used by many North Africans and their diaspora to refer to their country of origin. More than that, it means to have a place of true belonging, a sense of home.

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More about Bled

''The only way we can be comfortable is if you are more like us and less like yourself. Or some version of yourself that is acceptable to us.'' (Yasiin Bey a.k.a. Mos Def)

Most of us with an immigrant background can, unfortunately, relate to Yasiin Bey's statement. We grow up in a cultural context different from our parents', or even our parents' parents. In the process of integrating - or rather - assimilating, we experienced systemic pressure to suppress the culture other than the one we were growing up in. 

However, thanks to this second culture we see things through a different lens, we are adaptors, code switchers, multi-faceted people that carry within our blood the spiritual essence of our strong and diverse ancestors - but are also able to be well versed in the more practical, efficient workings of the world through our western upbringing. This duality is something we all have struggled with throughout or at some point in our lives. 

But culture is identity, and if we do not dare to take ownership of this and express it with pride then that drastically changes your self-view, what you can achieve for yourself and your environment.

Moroccan art is well known throughout the world: our untouched natural landscapes are used for movie sets, our rich culture translates into a cuisine known across different continents, our architecture has inspired western and asian structures, the way we dress has made its way into collections from high end to commercial fashion. Our indigenous ancestors have inspired many books written, even more movies made such as Star Wars, Dune, etc.

Our world is more than just objects serving as inspiration for the rest of the world. We have to start recognizing our own value by realizing how much we have within us, and how valuable it is to ourselves and the world around us when we tell our own authentic stories. That is why apparel is a great medium for this critical conversation. Dressing is ultimately a social practice, a link between social belonging and individual identity. Through dress, people embody certain expressions of the self, while simultaneously shaping and giving meaning to that self.

We are taking ownership of our unique story – stories of origin and those of where we intend to go. Bled is just the beginning…

Commited to healthy growth

Historically and to this day our culture is rooted in managing harmony with our environment by taking in moderation and giving back to nature abundantly. A sustainable approach to our world is therefore a given for us, ecologically as well as socially and we are continuously working toward greener production.

Our embroidered products are durable and are embroidered with Oeko-Tex™ certified threads, meaning they’re safe for both adult and children's clothing. Our prints are fulfilled using the direct-to-garment (DTG) technique that delivers a high quality print. The printers used for this technique generate almost zero wastewater and use less energy than standard industry printers, which lowers our carbon footprint. We use Oeko-Tex™certified vegan, water-based inks that are free of harmful chemicals. 

Investing in our origins
We are currently in the process of setting up a collaboration with a phenomenal organization based in Nador, Morocco - that educates and employs women to be (financially) independent. More news about this collaboration soon!